
Council tender and quote documents are prepared in accordance with Council's Procurement Process Conditions. New procurement opportunities will be listed on this website and promoted on Council's Facebook page.
Terms and Conditions
Council has engaged the services of VendorPanel and TenderLink to manage and administer projects. Registration to these services is free for suppliers and they provide you with an easy to use tool to manage your tender responses.
If you expereince any difficulties accessing their website, please call VendorPanel helpdesk on 03 9095 6181.
If you expereince any difficulties accessing their website, please call TenderLink helpdesk on 1800 233 533.
Current Tenders
Tender Number | Cloncurry Shire Council - Tender | Open | Close |
T2024-021 | Granada Road Upgrades Betterment | 3 October 2024 | 5:00pm 1 November 2024 |
T2022-008 | Register of Pre-Qualified Suppliers (ROPS) Trades & Services | 18 September 2024 | 5:00pm 11 October 2024 |
T2024-005 | Malbon-Selwyn Road Causeway Upgrades Detailed Design Tender Package | 12 September 2024 | 5:00pm 4 October 2024 |
T2021-005 | Register of PreQualified Suppliers (ROPS) Hire of Heavy Vehicles and Plant (Wet Hire) | 6 September 2024 | 5:00pm 4 October 2024 |
Contracts over 200k
In accordance with the Local Government Act 2009 and the Local Government Regulation 2012 the following financial management documents are available to the public.
EOI for Industrial Shed Construction
In partnership with the Queensland State Government, Council is funding the design and construction of a number of industrial sheds in the Cloncurry Industrial Estate.
To ensure this process meets what the market needs, Council is inviting parties interested in leasing industrial sheds to submit an expression of interest and detail their preferred shed designs (e.g., length, width, height, number of bays, number of roller doors, office/ablution requirements, electrical phases required, laydown area and parking requirements etc.).
Responding to this EOI will not generate any obligations between the Respondent and Council but will pave the way for future discussions and advance the infrastructure design and construction process.
Council will utilise information received through the Expression of Interest process, and any subsequent engagements, to guide and finalise the design and construction packages for these sheds.
Shed construction will commence in the second quarter of 2025, and be completed by the end of the third quarter of 2025. The sheds will be located on Lot 8 of the industrial subdivision.
To submit an EOI or find out more information, please visit either:
- Council’s website www.cloncurry.qld.gov.au/our-council/council-projects/tenders.
- Council’s Tenderlink page: https://portal.tenderlink.com/cloncurry/
Tender Opens: 11 November 2024
EOI closes: 5:00pm on Monday, 2 December 2024.
Expression of Interest - Cloncurry Industrial Sheds
Schedule A - Cloncurry Industrial Sheds
Worked Examples
Linked below is an example EOI completed form and schedule.
WORKED EXAMPLE Expression of Interest - Cloncurry Industrial Sheds
What are we doing: Cloncurry Shire Council is partnering with the Queensland State Government to design and construct new industrial sheds in Cloncurry that can be commercially leased to those seeking to establish new businesses and/or expand existing businesses in Cloncurry.
The current aim is to test levels of interest in securing industrial land in Cloncurry and to confirm the type of sheds that will receive the strongest demand for leasing once constructed.
Responding to this EOI will not generate any obligations between Respondent and Council but will pave the way for future discussions and advance the infrastructure design processes.
What information do I need to provide: at this stage, we are looking for contact details, the kind of business you will either be bringing to town or looking to expand, and the shed/office design required to accommodate your business. Once we have compiled this information through this current process, we will progress discussions, designs and procurement processes further.
Why are we doing it: the overall aim of this project is to lower barriers to entry for existing businesses to expand operations or for new businesses to establish without the capital costs required to purchase land and construct facilities (shed, offices, ablutions). The project has been on the cards for the last decade, but it’s only recently that Council has been able to secure external funding to assist in the delivery of this project.
Where is it happening: the sheds will be constructed on Lot 8 of the Industrial Estate on Fred McKay Road, Cloncurry (off Andrew Daniels Drive / Heavy Vehicle Bypass). See Appendix A for mapping.
When are we doing it: Council is looking to (a) complete initial EOI stage discussions in Q4 2024; (b) to finalise designs and procurement for shed construction in Q1 2025; and (c) conclude construction of all sheds by end of Q3 2025. Some sheds will come on line in Q2 2025 and the balance in Q3 2025. Council will look to formalise tenancies through standard leasing arrangements during Q2 and Q3 2025. More information to come on this.
What kind of sheds are we looking for: we are looking to build what the market is looking for. On that basis, we are seeking your input to help customise the range of sheds that we design and construct at the Industrial Estate. This may end up being a mix of large, medium, small sheds/offices, or 2 x large sheds, or 3 x medium sheds, or whatever the optimal configuration looks like. See Appendix B for the kinds of sheds we would anticipate, while noting that Council is open to all proposals.
Reconfiguration of lot: following this EOI and subsequent design processes, Council will reconfigure Lot 8 as required. The aim here will be to secure the arrangements best suited to bringing new businesses online / allow existing businesses to expand.
Inclusions: all sheds will need to meet Council’s Planning Scheme requirements. Accordingly, all will be connected to water, sewer, power, telecoms. All lots will have fencing, landscaping etc. All other inclusions will be per final designs for sheds and associated infrastructure (e.g., office, ablutions, laydown area, no. roller doors etc.).
Purchase vs lease: the conditions of our funding approval do not allow for sale of land/structures, only for leasing.
Proposed duration of leases: while Council will be open to a range of options, Council’s preference will be for leases of 3+ years with options to renew.
There will be three information sessions for this Expression of Interest process for Respondents to attend, either in person or via MS TEAMS (Teams meeting details can be found here).
Session 1
Date: Friday, 15 November 2024
Time: 3:00 – 4:00pm
- Council Admin Building: 38-42 Daintree Street, Cloncurry 4824.
- MS Teams
Session 2
Date: Thursday, 21 November 2024
Time: 3:00 – 4:00pm
- Council Admin Building: 38-42 Daintree Street, Cloncurry 4824.
- MS Teams
Session 3
Date: Thursday, 28 November 2024
Time: 3:00 – 4:00pm
- Council Admin Building: 38-42 Daintree Street, Cloncurry 4824.
- MS Teams