Operational Plan

Operational Plan

As part of its legislative responsibilities under the Local Government Act 2009 and Local Government Regulation 2012, Council must adopt an annual Operational Plan. The Operational Plan sits between the Corporate Plan and the Annual Budget. It outlines how the Council will progressively meet the strategic targets set in the Corporate Plan and defines the allocation of expenditure in the Budget.

As with the Corporate Plan, the Operational Plan establishes a set of milestones and key performance indicators to be met throughout the year. The CEO presents Council’s progress against these targets every quarter (s174(3) of the Local Government Regulation 2012). 

2024 - 2025 Operational Plan

Council will review the Operational Plan at Ordinary Council Meetings every quarter.

Council's Performance Dashboard

Council's annual Operational Plan sets out the activities that Council will undertake during the 2023-2024 year to deliver the vision, goals, outcomes and strategic actions committed by Council in the 2021-2026 Corporate Plan.

To determine if Council is achieving these outcomes and to provide increased visibility and transparency of Council's performance, this dashboard will demonstrate our progress and successes and discharge our accountabilities to the community of Cloncurry Shire.

Council's Performance Dashboard

Previous Dashboards

Archived Operational Plan and Reviews

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