Public Attendance

Public attendance

The public is welcome to attend all Cloncurry Shire Council ordinary meetings, however, the ‘confidential’ section of an ordinary meeting is closed to the public.

Can I speak at a Council ordinary meeting?

Yes. Council has ‘Standing Orders’ that govern how the meeting must be conducted. The Standing Orders include ‘Deputations’. A deputation is the section of an ordinary meeting where an individual or small group with a nominated speaker may address (speak to) a Council meeting.

You can request to speak to Council by sending an email addressed to the Chief Executive Officer and Mayor to stating your name, organisation (if relevant), contact details (including phone number), the topic you wish to speak on and whether you have spoken to a Council officer regarding the topic. If your request is approved, Council will be in contact to arrange a time and date.

When will I be allowed to speak?

Council agendas set out the ‘order of business’ for the meeting. The Mayor is the Chairperson and is in charge of making sure all attendees adhere to the order of business as set out in the agenda.

As a general rule, deputations are heard early in the meeting process, however, it may be possible for the ‘deputation’ to speak at another time (for example, just before an item requiring a Resolution that is the reason for the deputation attending the meeting). When a person speaks may be negotiated with the Council Officer who creates the agenda.

Public deputations are limited to 15 minutes. An extension of time may be requested either before or during the meeting.

Are there rules regarding what I can say?

Yes. The standing orders are written rules for the orderly conduct of the meeting. Deputations must:

  • Adhere to the time allotted to speak
  • Must not use offensive or insulting language
  • Respect the Chairpersons requests regarding speaking

Further information

For more information regarding meeting procedures and addressing Council please contact Council on (07) 4742 4100. Further information can also be found on the Department of Local Government, Racing and Multicultural Affairs website.