

The Cloncurry Shire Council comprises five Councillors and one Mayor. Council's current elected members will be appointed for Council in April 2024 and will serve a four-year term.

Mayor Greg Campbell


Mayor Greg Campbell

Mayor Campbell is committed to continuing to ensure Cloncurry gets ‘our fair’ share and that the prosperity that has been created continues to grow.

Contact Details: Phone: 07 4742 4100 | Mobile: 0484 829 444



Mayor Greg Campbell was born and grew up in Cloncurry, and is proud to call Cloncurry home. Cr Campbell and his wife Ana have 3 children, Caleb, Cooper, and Scarlett. Greg completed his schooling years at the Cloncurry State School, finishing his final year as School Captain. Mayor Campbell's family runs a beef cattle operation in the area and is very passionate about promoting the strength and importance of the industry and the high quality of the product produced. Having a thorough knowledge of this industry places Mayor Campbell in a prime position to lobby for funding and grants to assist growing the agricultural industry.

Mayor Campbell has been heavily involved in the community for many years including being a Rotarian, a Merry Muster Committee member, and a regular volunteer of the Cloncurry races, Show and school events. Mayor Campbell founded the Cloncurry Fish Stocking Committee in 2005 successfully stocking Barra in Chinaman Creek Dam.  He was also one of the Co-Founders of the Cloncurry Football Club in 2006/07, becoming the Inaugural Treasurer and Junior Coach. All the above committees are still as strong today as they were when they were first initiated. Receiving the Cloncurry Shire Citizen of the Year Award in 2009 was a very proud moment, and Cr Campbell gave credit to his family for their support and long-term community service.

Mayor Campbell was first elected to Council in 2004 as a Councillor and again in 2008, when he was honoured to be elected Deputy by his fellow Councillors. Mayor Campbell was fully committed to these roles whilst working in various technical and managerial roles with Ergon.  An understanding of this industry also proving valuable when lobbying for funding and being a member on the current MITEZ and CopperString 2.0 projects. In 2016 Greg was elected as Mayor of Cloncurry. His first term was full of achievements that set the Cloncurry Shire up for long term prosperity.  Cloncurry celebrating 150 years was a major highlight. A focus on financial consolidation and improving the quality of services to residents has always been a focus. Approximately 80% of all sealed roads across the Shire have been rebuilt or resealed.

Making Cloncurry a ‘destination’ is a key priority to Mayor Campbell. To be able to showcase the fantastic history and landscapes the Shire has to offer will continue to benefit Cloncurry’s economy. Outdoor exercise equipment and the new waterpark playground are initiatives to make the town even healthier and more family friendly. The revitalisation of Florence Clark Park is proving a great place for tourists to stop and have a break, whilst learning a little about Cloncurry’s strong history.

Cr Campbell is now proudly serving his second term as Mayor of the Cloncurry Shire Council. He has been successful in lobbying for a Youth Worker, Dialysis Service, Road Funding, Bridge upgrades and water and sewerage upgrades. The 2019 Flood event was one of the biggest natural disasters to hit the North West and Greg capably and sensibly steered the Shire through this period. His efforts were recognised by the Prime Minister, who requested he be the first Mayor to become a member of the Flood Recovery Agency.

Mayor Campbell is committed to continuing to ensure Cloncurry gets ‘our fair’ share and that the prosperity that has been created continues to grow.

Mayor Campbell - Register of Interests

Mayor Campbell - Register of Interests Annual Confirmation

Councillor Sam Daniels


Deputy Mayor Sam Daniels

Councillor Daniels is committed to supporting local business, improving infrastructure and enhancing the ‘liveability’ within the Shire.

Contact Details: Phone: 0428 422 065   |   Email:



Councillor Daniels was born and raised in Cloncurry. He is a third generation resident of the town. He attended Cloncurry State School for his primary years and finished his secondary education at All Souls in Charters Towers. Councillor Daniels has a long association with the pastoral industry. He has worked in his family’s agri-businesses for over 30 years. He is currently the Managing Director of his family’s stock and station agency and cattle pastoral company. Through their family business they have supported many events and committees in the Northwest. Councillor Daniels and his wife Sue are proud to have 3 sons, Jesse, Nicholas and Ben. Councillor Daniels and his extended family have been long term supporters and members of the Cloncurry and District Race Club. Councillor Daniels was elected to council in 2020 and is proud to represent the residents in the Cloncurry Shire. He is committed to supporting local business, improving infrastructure and enhancing the ‘liveability’ within the Shire.

Councillor Daniels - Register of Interests

Councillor Daniels - Register of Interests Annual Confirmation


Councillor Vicky Campbell

Councillor Vicky Campbell is honoured to be an elected third-term councillor in the Shire and she is committed to making Cloncurry the best place it can be for every resident that chooses to make this Shire their home.

Contact Details: Phone: 0419 717 869   |   Email: 


Councillor Vicky Campbell was first elected to Council in April 2016 and is now serving her third term. She is the councillor representative for the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF), and one of the councillor representatives on Council's Audit & Risk Committee.

She has 7 children with her husband Willie, the only local Telstra technician, and one grandson.

Councillor Vicky has been employed by Australia Post as a Mail Contractor for over 20 years, delivering post to rural residents which means she drives many of the Shire’s roads on a weekly basis.

Inclusion of everyone in the Shire, not just those who live in the Cloncurry township, is important to Councillor Vicky and she has been a strong advocate for the Dajarra community over her time as Councillor.

Roads, health and wellbeing, and rural education are where Councillor Vicky’s interests lie. She is a big believer that the only way to keep young adults in town is to not have to send them away in the first place. Similarly, patients, regardless of their locality, should have access to the same standard of primary healthcare available to those in the cities.

Councillor Vicky is proud to have played a part in the expansion of the Seniors Event program over her two previous terms and has great involvement with Council's Community Development Team. The Shire's events and facilities are the envy of many visitors and she aims to keep it that way.

Councillor Vicky is also proud to have been heavily involved in the upgrades to the pool, Florence Clark Park, the recreation area at Chinaman Creek Dam and the recently completed walking track. 

Councillor Vicky has strong commitment, enthusiasm and energy to continually improve the lifestyle of our community and the economy of our local businesses.

Councillor Campbell - Register of Interests

Councillor Campbell - Register of Interests Annual Confirmation

Councillor Nathan Keyes


Councillor Nathan Keyes

Councillor Keyes believes everyone in our Shire should be looked after and he wants to help improve our health care, education and day care facilities.

Contact Details: Phone: 0429 055 295   |   Email:



Since finishing his schooling, Councillor Keyes has only ever been employed in the Cloncurry Shire. He worked as a Stationhand on local cattle properties before obtaining his helicopter licence in 2003. From there he began aerial mustering on properties from the Gulf of Carpentaria all the way down to the channel country, so is fortunate to have a broad knowledge of the area from both air and land. 

Councillor Keyes and his brother have managed the Cloncurry Saleyards on behalf of CSC since 2015, and also run their own beef cattle enterprise. In doing so, they are fortunate to be able to talk to many people in the transport and beef cattle industries. 

Having had a long history with the Cloncurry Shire, Councillor Keyes is keen to see it grow and reach further development. Cloncurry is a standout town for him because of its geographical location and being known as the 'hub of the North-West' - all roads lead to the Curry.

He’s a strong supporter of local businesses in our Shire - we must support them as they support our community events, create jobs, stimulate the economy and bring pride to our community. Councillor Keyes believes everyone in our Shire should be looked after, from our children to our seniors and he wants to help improve our health care, education and day care facilities.

Councillor Keyes - Register of Interests

Councillor Keyes - Register of Interests Annual Confirmation

Councillor Jane McMillan


Councillor Jane McMillan   

Councillor McMillan looks forward to working with her fellow Councillors and the executive team in Cloncurry Shire to drive and support a resilient local community that continues to put business, people, health, education and social infrastructure as a priority.

Contact Details: Phone: 0427 920 883   |   Email:



Councillor Jane McMillan works and lives on a cattle station on the outskirts of Cloncurry township. With her husband and family, together they run a large-scale beef cattle operation which spans across the North West.

Councillor McMillan loves getting out and about in the Cloncurry Shire and wider communities supporting local events, especially campdrafts and rodeos. She also enjoys a game of tennis or golf, or just a swim in the river or dam.

Councillor McMillan looks forward to working with fellow Councillors and the executive team in Cloncurry Shire to drive and support a resilient local community that continues to put business, people, health, education and social infrastructure as a priority.

Councillor McMillan is very grateful to the Cloncurry community for giving her this opportunity to be your representative on Council.

Councillor McMillan - Register of Interests

Councillor McMillan - Register of Interests Annual Confirmation

Councillor George Muller


Councillor George Muller 

Councillor Muller wants to see the prosperity of Cloncurry Shire continue to flourish.

Contact Details: Phone: 0488 779 324   |   Email:



Councillor George Muller was first elected to Council in March 2024. He was motivated to run for Council to continue to encourage economic growth and prosperity in the Shire.

Councillor Muller has long been a North West Queensland resident and particularly enjoys living in Cloncurry because of its central location to activities in the region. He is a grazier and local business owner.

As a keen sportsman, Councillor Muller is Vice President of the local rugby club and a member of the clay target club. He is also Council’s first nominated delegate to the North Queensland Sports Foundation.

Councillor Muller - Register of Interest

Councillor Muller - Register of Interests Annual Confirmation

Councillor Conduct Register