Terms of Use

Terms of Use

The website is operated by Cloncurry Shire Council (also referred to as Council on this website).  Any person who accesses or uses the website is deemed to agree to and accept these Terms of Use, which may be amended at any time and without notice, as published on this website.

While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that the information on this website is current, accurate and complete, Council gives no warranty that the information on the website is current, accurate or complete. Users should make their own enquiries before acting or relying on any information on this website.  The information provided is intended for general interest and should not be relied upon as the basis for decisions and actions on any matter.

Where the website includes links to third-party content or websites, users should understand that the content accessed by using these links is not created, controlled or approved by Council and Council takes no responsibility for its currency, accuracy or completeness, or for the consequences of users viewing or using such content.

The inclusion of a link to any third-party content or website does not constitute an endorsement by Council for that website, its contents or any person in control of the website.

Copyright notice

© Copyright, Cloncurry Council 2022 unless otherwise stated.

Copyright protects the subject matter of the website.  Except for the purposes permitted by the Copyright Act 1968, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without the written provision of the Chief Executive Officer.