Resource Management

North West Queensland Regional Biosecurity Plan
The North West Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils and Southern Gulf Natural Resource Management group have partnered in the development of a Regional Biosecurity Plan.
The Plan is a statutory requirement and provides guidance on how to reduce biosecurity risks associated with invasive plants and animals. In developing the Plan, consideration has been given to the roles of federal, state and local government as well as the individual landowner level.
Biosecurity Planning
Pests have a significant impact on human and animal health, the economy and the social amenity of our environment. Cloncurry Shire Council has implemented the Cloncurry Shire Biosecurity Plan 2019-2023 to establish a strategic and collaborative approach to the management of pest species within our shire.
The plan aims to bring together all stakeholders to provide for best practice management of declared pests. In doing so, the Plan:
- lists known pest animals and invasive weeds in the shire
- sets strategies, priorities, activities and responsibilities for control of pest animals and invasive weeds at a local scale
- ensures resources are targeted at the highest priority pest management activities and those most likely to succeed
- sets achievable objectives for the local community that address the economic, environmental and social impacts of weeds and pest animals
- incorporates monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of the plan
- informs regional planning processes on local pest management priorities.
Copies of the plan can be found by clicking the hyperlink above. Additionally, copies can be requested from Cloncurry Shire Council, by contact us at:
- The Cloncurry Shire Council Administration Office at 38-46 Daintree Street, Cloncurry
- PO Box 3 Cloncurry, QLD 4824
Queensland’s current biosecurity legislation consists of many different Acts that were developed independently over the past 100 years. Because of this, the laws are not flexible enough to meet the challenges of today’s biosecurity environment.
The new Biosecurity Act 2014 (the Act), which is expected to come into effect in early 2016, will improve Queensland’s biosecurity preparedness and response capabilities. The government is continuing to consider feedback from the public consultation on the Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) held last year, which informs the development of the regulations. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the 600 responses were received.
Under the Act, we will focus on biosecurity risks that impact human health, social amenity, the economy or the environment. The Act deals with pests (such as wild dogs and weeds), diseases (such as foot-and-mouth disease) and contaminants (such as lead on grazing land).
The new Act provides a consistent, modern, risk-based and less prescriptive approach to biosecurity in Queensland. Decisions made under the Act will depend on the likelihood and consequences of the risk. This means risks can be managed more appropriately.
The Queensland Government will continue to take immediate action to manage biosecurity risks, where necessary. In fact, under the new Act, action can be taken if there is a reasonable belief that a serious risk exists, prior to scientific confirmation, so that impacts are minimised quickly.
Everyone will need to take an active role in managing biosecurity risks under their control. Under the Act, individuals and organisations, whose activities pose a biosecurity risk, will have greater legal responsibility for managing them. This general biosecurity obligation means you must take all reasonable steps to ensure your activities do not spread a pest, disease or contaminant.
To learn more about the new biosecurity laws and your general biosecurity obligation download the information brochure from or contact Biosecurity Queensland on 13 25 23.
The document linked below offers information about the Queensland cattle tick zones and rules around moving livestock between these two zones.
Japanese encephalitis is a mosquito-borne viral disease associated with reproductive losses in pigs and encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) in horses and people.
Japanese encephalitis is spread by mosquitoes. Waterbirds act as natural reservoirs for the virus, and mosquitoes can spread the virus to people, horses, pigs and other animals.
More information about the disease can be found on the Queensland Government website.
The Cloncurry Shire is host to a number of pest plant (weed) species. These species can significantly impact the Shire’s primary industries, ecosystems and human and animal health.
Declared pest plants in the Cloncurry Shire include:
- Parthenium
- Parkinsonia
- Mother of Millions
- Catletrope
- Cactus
- Prickly Acacia
- Rubber vine
- Mesquite
- Athel Pine
- Leucaena
Council is responsible for the prevention and management of declared pest plants and animals in the Cloncurry Shire.
This involves implementing the Cloncurry Pest Management Plan, establishing practices to prevent the introduction of new pests and strategies to eradicate existing pests in small numbers. It also includes taking measures to contain established pests in the Cloncurry Shire, liaising with landholders, and enforcing the Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route Management) Act 2002.
Declared pests in the Cloncurry Shire include:
- Wild dogs
- Feral pigs
- Foxes
- Feral cats
- Rabbits
- Locusts
- Feral goats
Animal Pest Management
Wild dogs and feral cats are established pest species within the Cloncurry region requiring ongoing pest management by landholders and Cloncurry Shire Council.
Council offers a bounty for wild dog scalps and cattails to assist in the control of these pests.
You can collect this bounty by completing the Feral Pest Bounty Payment Form and contacting Council's Ranger on 07 4742 4100 to make an appointment. Council collects wild dog scalps between the hours of 8:30am and 2:30pm, weekdays.
Rats and mice (rodents) can be a pest on both private and public property.
Land owners are responsible for managing rodent problems on their private land.
Council manages pest programs on public land. Our programs focus on animals that are identified as priority pests, in line with our Regional Biosecurity Plan.
Introduced or Native Rodents?
It is important to note that not all rats and mice are considered pests, with several native species present in Australia, including the Water Mouse, Bush Rat and Water Rat.
You don't need to control native rats and mice; however, introduced species should be controlled immediately. Under the Biosecurity Act 2014, everyone has an obligation to prevent or minimise the impact of invasive animals on human health, social amenities, the economy and the environment. For more information about controlling invasive animals, visit the Queensland Government website.
The more commonly known rat and mouse species introduced to Australia are the Norway Rat (Rattus norvegicus), the Roof Rat (Rattus rattus) and the House Mouse (Mus musculus). These animals are well adapted to living in very close association with humans, sharing their food, water and shelter.
The Norway Rat (Brown or Sewer Rat) usually lives in burrows beneath buildings, and can be found in sewers and around rubbish dumps. This rat prefers to eat plant, animal and meat material, and usually remains close to their nest when scavenging for food. It is the most common and destructive introduced rat species in Australia.
The Roof Rat (Black Rat) is an excellent climber and jumper. It nests in the upper parts of dwellings such as rooftops, walls and furniture. This rat prefers to eat fruits, nuts, grains and vegetables. It tends to roam to find food, but usually returns to its existing nest.
The House Mouse will live anywhere with shelter, warmth, food and nesting materials, including areas in and around houses, buildings and structures. It prefers to eat cereal grains and does not roam far in search of food.
Discouraging rodents
The following practices can help reduce and prevent rodent infestations on your property.
- Make sure rubbish bins have tight-fitting lids and are emptied regularly
- Keep your home and property clear of rubbish
- Keep stacked materials such as wood and bricks at least 30cm above the ground to minimise spaces for rats and mice to hide, nest in or pass through
- Regularly clean out sheds, storage areas and get rid of unwanted items
- Remove unwanted undergrowth – cut back grass, bushes, and creepers which may provide cover or access to the roof
- Remove fallen fruit, seed, waste and pet faeces from aviaries and chicken pens
- Dispose of food scraps promptly and clean food preparation areas thoroughly
- Do not use open compost heaps
- Do not compost any animal products (fish, meat, chicken, cheese, butter) or pet faeces
- Inspect living and working areas for potential rodent entrances and block them where possible with concrete, hard setting filler, steel wool or heavy gauge sheet metal
- Block access points to cupboards containing food and food-preparation utensils
- Leave out only enough pet food for pets to eat soon after it is placed there
- Store poultry food in vermin-proof containers with close-fitting lids
- Cover rainwater tank openings and floor vents with wire mesh no coarser than 1mm, and check and maintain these regularly.
How do I control rats and mice on my property?
If you have determined the presence of rats and/or mice at your property, you should contact a licensed Pest Management Technician for advice and treatment.
Alternatively, you can purchase bait or traps from a hardware, produce or supermarket store. You must comply with the directions on the product label at all times and only use the product for its intended purpose. Council does not supply rat bait or traps to residents.
Before using poison, you might want to consider these points:
- If rodents die and decay in hard-to-reach places, they may cause an offensive smell
- There is a risk that pets and children could eat toxic baits or poisoned rodent bodies
- Some people are sensitive to rodent control chemicals in their environment.
Ensure that you dispose of any rodents safely. If placing them in your rubbish bin, double-bag and ensure the lid is securely shut.
Once your property is free from rodents, you should ensure the above control measures are implemented to reduce the likelihood of a re-infestation.
Reporting rodent problems
Council does not directly manage rodent issues on private property.
If you believe the state of a neighbour’s property may be contributing to rats/mice on your property, raise the alleged issue directly with the person responsible and give them a reasonable timeframe to resolve it. If the matter cannot be resolved, contact Council with details of the cause and location, and the time and date of any observed rodent sightings. Council will then investigate the issue with the property owner.
To make a report, please contact Council on 07 4742 4100 or
Mosquitoes can have a large impact on our outdoor lifestyle when the wet season is around and on the health of the region's community due to their nuisance capabilities and the potential to transmit mosquito-borne diseases such as Dengue Fever, Ross River Virus and more.
The Cloncurry Shire Council aims to gain community awareness and participation and by implementing effective mosquito control measures.
Things you can do to protect yourself, your family and your home:
- Use a repellent containing DEET if you are outside
- Wear long sleeve shirts and trousers, light colours are best
- Check around the home for any containers holding water and empty
- Check items such as BBQ covers which maybe holding water
- Small amounts of water can breed large numbers of mosquitoes under the right conditions
- Spray screens with residual products
- Increase light and air movement around dark and damp areas
- Outdoor areas can be treated with products containing BiFenthrin for control over longer periods.
- Limit time outside around dawn and dusk
Council wishes to advise residents of the presence of lice in Chinaman Creek Dam.
People swimming in, or recreating at, Chinaman Creek Dam who come into contact with lice may experience tingling, burning or itching of the skin.
Council has notified Environmental Health Officers from Queensland Health. Council has investigated options to treat the lice, but has deemed there to be no course of action to remove the lice. Council has no way of knowing how long lice may be present for.
Therefore, Council recommends avoiding swimming or wading in heavily weeded areas to reduce the likelihood of contact with lice. Council also recommends thoroughly towel drying immediately after leaving the water.
The presence of lice in Chinaman Creek Dam has no impact on the quality of the town water supply.
The simple things we can do at home and work to conserve and protect our habitat will improve our quality of life.
Most actions to sustain our environment involve better management of natural resources and energy – saving us money at the same time – without compromising our standard of living or comfort.
Council’s tips for saving water:
- Have a shorter shower – Grab an iPod or a radio and only shower for the length of one song
- Be a leak detective – Check all hoses, connectors and taps regularly for leaks. You may be surprised how much water can get away without you even noticing.
- Only wash with a full load – Only use your washing machine when your dirty clothes basket is full.
- Make use of your toilets half flush – Using the half flush feature will significantly reduce the amount of water your toilet uses.
An energy efficient home begins with its occupants. Understanding your behaviour inside the home is the most important first step to reducing energy and water use and therefore your cost of living!
How you operate your electrical items including your hot water, heating and cooling systems, lighting, appliances, reticulation, pool pump or spa will have a bearing on how much or how little you consume.